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Buyer's Guide - Step by step guide
A Sale Can take from 9 weeks to 9 months!
Even longer if Inheritance is involved!
It is recommended to pay "SAFER" their fee to speed up a sale
Heritage International Properties Ltd has helped hundreds of international
clients to buy property in England, France and Spain over the past few years.
In England, France and Spain over the last few years, we understand that it is very stressful and
different, especially for first time buyers. With obstacles against you such as understanding and
translating the language and law. This guide will help you understand how the process works from
start to finish and we'll be there to help you. The buying process is generally the same in each
as the laws are also very similar. There are normally no complications but there are some delays
between processing the documents.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask your agent, who will be happy to help you, guide you
and explain each step of the process.
The SAFER is the French Land Agriculture Agency all land for sale has to offered to them to buy first
before it can legally be sold.
The first thing to do is to decide what you want. This is easier if you make notes and think about your
needs, e.g. is it your holiday home?
Is it your holiday home? a future permanent home? a future business? or maybe all three? You also
need to decide what kind of environment you want, as the landscape varies enormously and it is
difficult to live in the country if you come from the city, as the lifestyle is totally different?
Do you like the noise? the quiet? the shops? would you like to live in an agricultural area?
Of course, this is all defined
by your budget first. Can you afford a renovation project, for example? Can you do DIY? Are you
prepared to employ workers, etc.? Are you prepared to drive to work? How far is the airport? hospital?
doctors? food? Don't worry, our agents are already armed with this information for you!
When deciding to buy a house anywhere, are you guided by your heart or your head? You must
realise that some places are not suitable for immediate habitation and have no toilets or showers,
no heating, plumbing, electricity and sewage, all of which you take for granted.
It is very important that you consider each item carefully. Make sure you have the necessary funds
before you start looking for a property and don't forget to factor the notary fees into the purchase price!
We are specialist property search agents and we are constantly looking for the perfect property for you,
which we may not find immediately, but believe me, the wait is worth it. It can take up to a year to find it,
but let me assure you that it is better to wait than to rush out and buy something only to find out later
that you paid too much or didn't realise how much work was involved in your renovation project or
how long it would take to get to the finish line!
Everyone is different and everyone has different ideas. So we have to work together to achieve the goal!
It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, we can find something for you and you are all treated the same!
We try to show you a minimum of three properties on your visit, so you need to let us know
when you are coming at least a week before! or even two! because we need to fit you into our
schedule don't worry we can make exceptions and do after hours or weekend visits!
We will find a solution! Secondly, we like to choose a mystery property for you which is chosen by the
agent from the details you have given in your search. We normally have the keys to most properties,
but there are some properties where we need to make an appointment, so if you can,
let us know as soon as possible.
Please note that the agents live and work in the area and are very knowledgeable. For example, if you
have a specific sport or hobby, we can try to match it to the area.
For the tour, you can either follow us in your car, or come by car with the agent.
For your budget
How much have you saved?
Do you want to buy in cash?
Do you need a mortgage?
Could a small mortgage or personal loan increase your search?
Each region is individual and has specific attractions and specialises in certain things.
The landscapes are so different and can be a bit of a shock if you have never been there.
We need to have some basic information from you such as:
How many bedrooms?
What size property are you looking for to live in square metres?
Do you need parking?
A garage?
A workshop?
A balcony or terrace?
A swimming pool?
Do you need a plot of land or a garden?
What type of house do you prefer? Modern or old?
Do you need to be near the airport?
Or near the sea or the beach?
Do you like a warm temperature for example?
Local schools? restaurants? tourist spots for example?
Do you want neighbours for example?
Do you mind if your garden is overlooked?
Do you mind if your house is next to a road?
All this information should be given to the agent at the outset to save time and unnecessary travel.
Do you need help, for example, in finding accommodation?
Whatever you need, let us know and we will be happy to help.
Please note that you will lose your deposit if you change your mind after the 10 day cooling off period.
You will also lose your deposit if you do not pay the remainder of the amount due and the agency fee.
Similarly, if you change your mind after agreeing to buy the property, if the funds are not paid
within two months of the offer.