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Merci pour votre comprehension.
Terms and conditions
DPE (Diagnostic of the Performance of Energy)
The DPE will be paid by the "seller" and must be done before selling the property otherwise it will delay the sale.
Survey of santiation/Saur France. This must be carried out even if you have nothing. Just to say there is nothing existing. You need this for the sale for the notaire. It is to be paid by the "seller" and must be done before the sale of the property so that the sale is not delayed in any way.
For Exchanging Sterling for Euros or any other currency please contact our office for a good rate of exchange.
Commission rates are negotiable for property referrals, you will need to speak to the office or your local agent for more than one property to refer or if you are referring more than one buyer.
Land Surveyor/Property Lines
We do not pay for Geomets or if you want to change the boundary lines for sale/land numbers. These costs are at your expense and are not reimbursed by our company.
If you have a dispute about the land/lines given by the notary or surveyor, it must be resolved before the sale of your property by the High Court. The agency is not responsible for changes or incorrect boundary lines, this is the responsibility of the seller and the notary.
If anything is unclear, please do not hesitate to call us, we will be happy to answer any questions.
If you have a dispute about the land/lines given by the notary or surveyor, it must be resolved before the sale of your property by the High Court. The agency is not responsible for changes or incorrect boundary lines, this is the responsibility of the seller and the notary.
If anything is unclear, please do not hesitate to call us, we will be happy to answer any questions..